
Contact us

Our whereabouts

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We are in Giavera del Montello (Treviso) at the start of presa (road) six. If you want to use your sat-nav, set it for via Pedemontana 60 (via A. Carretta is a side turning)


Ristorante La Paterna
Via Annibale Carretta, 34,
31040, Giavera del Montello (TV)


Email: info@ristorantelapaterna.com

Mobile: 347 7118124

Opening Times

Monday and Tuesday: closed
Wednesday and Thursday: open for dinner between 7 p.m. And 11 p.m.

From Friday to Sunday: open for lunch between 12:30 noon and 3 p.m. and for dinner between 7 p.m. And 11 p.m.

Wednesday and Thursday dinner
Friday to Sunday lunch and dinner

Work with us

La Paterna is always looking for dynamic and curious people to work with.
If you think you are the one we are looking for, send your CV to address info@ristorantelapaterna.com

Ti avviseremo quando il prodotto tornerà disponibile. Per favore scrivi qui sotto un indirizzo email valido.